Saturday, November 16, 2019

protein diet

People looking to lose weight often decide to adopt a high-protein diet. Eating protein helps a person feel full, which can lead to them eating fewer calories overall. High-protein diets typically include large quantities of protein and only a small amount of carbohydrate.

Most people can follow a high-protein diet by eating meat, fish, dairy products, beans and legumes, eggs, and vegetables that are relatively rich in protein, such as asparagus and spinach.

People on this diet will often choose to reduce their carbohydrate intake, which may involve limiting their consumption of highly processed foods, bread and other baked goods, candy, and white pasta and rice.

There are some well-known high-protein diet plans, such as the Atkins diet. However, a person can increase their protein intake on their own with or without adjusting their intake of other food groups.

In this article, we explain how to eat a high-protein diet, foods to include and exclude, and the potential adverse effects of adopting this diet.

Combining beans and legumes with other sources of protein can ensure a person gets all essential amino acids.
In addition to aiding weight loss, protein provides the body with some essential benefits. The benefits of protein include:

providing enzymes that help power thousands of chemical reactions throughout the body
helping the body maintain and repair hair, skin, muscles, and bones
certain proteins are necessary to produce hormones that help the body's organs and cells communicate
Protein also provides amino acids. There are 22 amino acids, nine of which are essential to obtain from the diet because the body does not produce them.

Protein from animals tends to contain all of the amino acids, so people refer to it as a complete protein. In contrast, many plant proteins only provide some of the amino acids, meaning that people need to combine them with other protein sources to get all of the essential amino acids.

What does the science say?
There has been a lot of research on the role of protein in short-term weight loss and muscle gain. However, the long-term effects of a high-protein diet require further study.

Some studies suggest that health problems may potentially result from eating a high-protein diet for extended periods. The authors of a reviewTrusted Source paper focusing on the high-protein diet warned that it could lead to higher acid loads for the kidneys and that people may be at risk of the health conditions that come with eating high amounts of animal fat.

In addition, diets that limit carbs may harm a person's health. Children and teenagers are at particular risk of malnutrition from eating insufficient carbohydrate.

Still, most research indicates that high-protein diets are beneficial for weight loss


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